Agricultural Shows Australia 2025 Conference - More Info
About Us
NT Show Council is the peak body for the seven Agricultural Show Societies in the Northern Territory, providing them with an avenue to raise and address issues of common interest, and of material or financial benefit to their member organisations.
A member based, not-for profit organisation, we aim to promote the role and significance of Northern Territory Shows to their regions and the wider community.
NT Show Council aims to promote and protect the general interests of Show Societies so they can continue to put on safe events and increase community wellbeing.
In 2019 over 117,000 people attended a Territory show.
The Territory is well-known for its remarkable and unique Shows. Our Shows support the agricultural and pastoral industries of our communities, but also the wider regions with tourism, local and commercial businesses.
Collectively the Shows celebrated nearly 350 years in 2019, including several milestones. Both Freds Pass and Tennant Creek shows turned 40, Adelaide River recognised 50 years since inception, and Alice Springs Show celebrated its 60th year.
These events share a vision to showcase and celebrate the best of their region, with each Show offering their own slice of Territory life.